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Community, Miscellaneous

Simutrans 25th Anniversary #8: An interview with himeshi, OTRP creator

Welcome to the last of interviews of the Simutrans Anniversary before the final event! Our special guest today has the honor of being the only other successful developer who has made a Simutrans fork: Simutrans OTRP. Let’s explore the boundaries of Simutrans with the help of his creator, Himeshi! ______________________________________ First of all, introduce yourself. […]

Community, Miscellaneous

Our forum was hat’ed!!!

“- Hats everywhere!!!” “- Omg the hats are everywhere! Multiplying! Run!” Our forum is suffering a hat attack. This is the silliest most dangerous attack that we have suffered since forum opening. Beware! Hats can attack your avatar too.  Many Members’ avatars have been hat’ed. Link: Our forum was hat’ed