Fabio and mEGa are working on a large city re-vitalization project, in pak128. They are adding winter versions to a large number of pak128 hi-rise buildings.
Posts Tagged development
Winter is coming
Oct 23
Pak128.Britain 1.10 released
Dec 24
Just in time for Christmas, a new version of pak128.Britain is out today. Included in the new release, appropriately, are more snow images for stations and HQs (meaning 99% of the set now has snow graphics), along with a wide range of new road and rail bridges, and a large set of new medieval attractions courtesy of wlindley.
You can download the new verion from Sourceforge… Enjoy!
PS Please report any bugs on the International Simutrans Forum.
This is an old project from 2006, carried out by Frank. The original idea is to take pak64’s scale but using 96 pixel tiles. This gives the player more space for the surrounding environment of the objects.
You can download an early demo with non free objects for a better gaming experience, but you will also need simuttd pakset and a test game. Remember the pakset is still under development.
More details at Simutrans International Forum.
After many requests, finally somebody from the community has encouraged to create a detailed tutorial about the process of creating addons, from botton to top. The document, created by Gauthier, covers all stages of the addons development process, from graphics to pak file creation, but it only uses pixel art techniques, not 3D.
This tutorial is basically written for pak128, but the process is the same for any pakset, the only thing that changes is the size of the images. It’s available at SNFOS site and we’ll try to include some parts in the official wiki.
Now you don’t have excuses to start creating new objects for Simutrans…. ;)
Nightly with overhauled UI
Jun 26
The current nightly shows the things to come for the new simutrans graphical user interface. Apart from the focus, which allows near fully keyboard operation of all dialogues, there is now a stick button in the window title. Sticky windows will not close on backspace: very helpful to get rid of error messages during lengthy management operations. Or to have always a map window open.
And the new GUI allows even for skinable scrollbars. Here is a screenshot of a different theme at work.
That means all the errors with long vehicles shaving station roofs are gone (mostly). Watch the difference for instance with the pak128.Britain demo savegame.
This feature (and accompanying bugs) is integrated in nightlies taken from revision 3151 (or greater):
Since more than a month ago, the nightly compilations were built from the stable branch without network features. As the stable version has been already released, the nightlies are built from trunk again. Therefore Dwachs, one of the main developers, has announced that nightlies from the nightly downloadpage contain the network features again!
If you want to help us improving the network mode by discovering and reporting bugs, please download and test the new nigthlies!
Since the 102.2.1 had some critical errors due to some last minute code changes, we made the 102.2.2 release. There are still few known errors in it. But we decided to focus on the upcoming network release, since bridging between trunk and branch cost us more and more time.
You will also note that there is now a Haiku instead of a BeOS version. This is due to my BeOS is on a dying computer and for any recent system the Haiku-alpha release is a better choice.
A new version 0.5.4-alpha of the Simutrans Building Editor, TileCutter, is now available for testing. This is likely to be the last alpha release, before moving into beta status.
This new version provides a better controls layout and handling of save locations, caching of last save location. A couple of bugs related with wxGTK and dialog boxes have been fixed. Moreover, some translations have been updated.
More details can be found on the forum, here.
… are now available from the page
Most worthwile is the support for Korean language.
Many bugs were fixed, new ones were introduced (hopefully not). The upcoming release of the stable version 102.2.2 is intended to be the last stable version before the network mode is functioning.