
Stuffs made by Simutrans Community.

Contests and challenges

2024 Simutrans Screenshot Contest Winners

Polls are now closed, and the winner is… First place Mishasama is our DOUBLE WINNER for “A Very Busy Transportation Hub (day)” and “A Very Busy Transportation Hub (night)” (14 votes each) Congratulations to Mishasama! The winner image will soon become the banner image for Second place In second place we have a tie […]

Community, Contests and challenges

2024 Simutrans Screenshot Contest

Welcome, everyone! This year 2024 is about to end, and what would be better than end it with our traditional Simutrans Screenshot Contest? Nothing! So prepare to compete and win the best prize of all: the winner of this year will become the new banner image for, which has remained unchanged for years. Participation

Development & Releases, Paksets and add-ons

Pak192.Comic V0.7

The Pak192.Comic recently released version 0.7 of this comic themed pakset. If you are playing Simutrans on Steam and you installed the Pak192.Comic DLC, you will get the update automatically. Otherwise, please see “Where and what to download” section. Changelog Gameplay changes turned “avoid over overcrowding” off by default again , and . now work

Contests and challenges

Simutrans 25th Anniversary Video Contest

Welcome, everyone! The first Simutrans Video Contest is about to begin! This is the first time ever we celebrate a video contest, and it is not the only surprise! This year you can also win actual prizes just by participating! Let everyone win! Participation 1 – There are no categories. This means you can choose

Community, Miscellaneous

Simutrans 25th Anniversary #8: An interview with himeshi, OTRP creator

Welcome to the last of interviews of the Simutrans Anniversary before the final event! Our special guest today has the honor of being the only other successful developer who has made a Simutrans fork: Simutrans OTRP. Let’s explore the boundaries of Simutrans with the help of his creator, Himeshi! ______________________________________ First of all, introduce yourself.

Community, Media

Simutrans 25th Anniversary #7: The Simutrans trailer

The new trailer for Simutrans is here! Watch it now! Schedule of the Simutrans 25th Anniversary Posts We are getting close to the end of the events of the 25th Anniversary. But before the final event, we will be having a last interview with a very special guest. In two weeks, it will be time