
Paksets and add-ons

pak128 v2.1.0 released!

The pak128 development team has announced a new release v2.1.0 of the pakset. There has been a ton of improvements since last version. Cities now look… well, see for yourself!

Development & Releases

pak.Excentrique v0.13 released *updated*

Hajo is on fire at the moment. He released a new version 0.13 of pak Excentrique. It provides amongst others more city buildings and basic working magnatrack (rolling stock, stations and depots). Magna track depots are particular peculiar, you get your vehicles out of a tin can. See the forum thread or download it right away. update:

Development & Releases, Paksets and add-ons

Pak128.Britain 1.09 released!

Many thanks to prissi for compiling a release of pak128.Britain 1.09 to go with the new simutrans executable 111. As this is the first release in a year, there are quite a few fixes/changes from 1.08, too many for me to remember but I will try to summarise below: – many more snow images –

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