Contests and challenges

2024 Simutrans Screenshot Contest Winners

Polls are now closed, and the winner is… First place Mishasama is our DOUBLE WINNER for “A Very Busy Transportation Hub (day)” and “A Very Busy Transportation Hub (night)” (14 votes each) Congratulations to Mishasama! The winner image will soon become the banner image for Second place In second place we have a tie […]


Vote now on the 2024 Simutrans Screenshot Contest!

Submissions are closed: It’s time to vote to choose a winner! As always, voting is done on the Simutrans Wiki. If you want to see the original images in full quality check the 2024 Simutrans Screenshot Contest gallery (press the tool button below the image and “Show”). IMPORTANT: Remember that each checkbox corresponds to the


Simutrans 124.3 Released

Simutrans 124.3 comes with the new pipette and macro tools to make easier than ever to build the transport network you always dreamed of. Highlights of this version Pipette tool: Copy any building under the cursor. Macro tool: Copy and save entire layouts to build them again with a single mouse click. Reworked tutorial to

Community, Contests and challenges

2024 Simutrans Screenshot Contest

Welcome, everyone! This year 2024 is about to end, and what would be better than end it with our traditional Simutrans Screenshot Contest? Nothing! So prepare to compete and win the best prize of all: the winner of this year will become the new banner image for, which has remained unchanged for years. Participation

Announcements, Development & Releases

Simutrans 124.1 Released

Less than a month after Simutrans 124, a new Simutrans version has been released. This was supposed to be a bugix release to address some of the issues players reported for the 124 release, but it ended up being a minor release with new features (player ranking) and a renovated chat window. Download Simutrans 124.1

Announcements, Development & Releases

Simutrans 124 Released

The long awaited Simutrans 124 is finally here! This version comes with a lot of changes, although the most visible ones are the improved support for anti-alising of fonts and some reworked windows. Under the hood, many less visible changes were made to allow this to be the first stable Android release – which means

Development & Releases, Paksets and add-ons

Pak192.Comic V0.7

The Pak192.Comic recently released version 0.7 of this comic themed pakset. If you are playing Simutrans on Steam and you installed the Pak192.Comic DLC, you will get the update automatically. Otherwise, please see “Where and what to download” section. Changelog Gameplay changes turned “avoid over overcrowding” off by default again , and . now work