After a long time,, the official repository of the Simutrans community, is back to life!
You can download tons of addons like skins, vehicles, buildings, factories and industry chains, etc… for the main Simutrans paksets. All addons included at a.s.c have been deeply tested, so all stuff have the seal of quality which ensures compatibility, stability and hours of fun. You can suggest new addons that may be included .
Btw, we need people that can test new candidates, so if you’re interested, just leave a comment here.
Come and visit! you will not regret…
#1 by isaaceilandhall on 2009-11-30 - 04:56
I notice that some addons (pak128 – Raven's US train set) say "may not work with newer versions", but I thought they were all tested. Not all tested, or should the text be changed? ;-)
#2 by vilvoh on 2009-12-03 - 14:23
As far as I know, everything has been tested. Indeed, that was the first thing we did before adding new stuff. Anyway, feedbacks are always welcome… ;)