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Archive for category Announcements


cc-by-sa by Geert Wirken

Image: CC-BY-SA by Geert Wirken

Simutrans has been greenlit on Steam.

Enough Steam users voted in favour of Simutrans joining the distribution platform. Before it will be published on Steam as well, there is still a lot of work to be done. Foremost writing a proper documentation for the gameplay.







Simutrans on Steam Greenlight

sample_logo_darkSimutrans plans the move to Steam. The game will be available for free on the distribution platform. This might help new players to get to know the game, and those who already play the game and also use Steam an easier way to keep Simutrans up to date. If you do not use Steam, don’t worry, all other ways of distribution that are currently used, for example, source code, binaries, Windows-installer, and inclusion in many Linux installers will still be available.

Steam is a large, commercial game distribution platform, that means they sell games online, provide downloads that are started from within Steam. Steam is avaible for Windows, Mac-OS, and Linux (SteamOS). Greenlight is Steam’s procedure to get games to the platform that do not have a large publisher behind them. I.e, indie-developers or open source. Steam users can vote for games to pass Greenlight, and if you have a Steam account, we should be very happy if you did so. You can vote for Simutrans on its Greenlight page.

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Pak128.Britain 1.17 released!

Christmas has come early for pak128.Britain fans! The latest version (1.17) is released today. You can download it from sourceforge.


New in this version:

  • lots of new planes (Milko/JamesPetts)
  • lots of new modern trains (The Hood)
  • new rail tunnel internal graphics (Walsonja)
  • new road stops (Aquin/Wlindley)
  • new rail signal graphics (JamesPetts/Vladki)
  • more citybuildings (Archon)

2015_12_09_10Have fun playing and, as ever, report any bugs to the forum. In particular I’m keen to hear feedback on balancing of the pakset as this is the next big challenge.



San Francisco Bay Area

Southern part of the bay area map.

Quite fiting for the sumer (and something to dream of for the southern hemisphere) citibus7 released a map of San Francisco and the Bay area where the cities of the region being placed accurately. pak128.britain has been used as citibus7 considers it more aesthetically pleasing. You can download the map from the international forum

Simutrans Experimental 11.00

A new version of the more complex Simutrans fork is now available, based on Simutrans 112.3

Simutrans experimental is based on Simutrans standard, it extends several aspects of gameplay with the aim of greater economic and operational complexity. With its 112.0 release Simutrans standard incorporated a number of very thorough changes below the surface. Many of these changes involved parts that are different in simutrans experimental. Implementing the upstream changes of simutrans 112 in_experimental_ involved a lot of meticulous work.

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The Blog is back!

It took a long time… But the blog is once again online, on a shiny new server.

Don’t blame VS at all! ;-)

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Fear of heights

Swiss AlpsIf you love skiing, mountain climbing or a well planned railroad then you can play on this map of the Swiss Alps made by NYC911. It is part of an interesting scenario in which you have to be very careful in laying your track.



Río de la Plata, western part

Rio de la PlataWe have been able to extend our Simutrans South American maps collection by courtesy of gabyregistrado. He made a very nice map of the western part of the Rio de la Plata. It measures 1599×798 and has nice water and mountain features. Apparently the air is very good in this environment.


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Release of pak128.Britain 1.13

Time for the traditional pre-Christmas release of pak128.Britain! 1.13 contains the following updates and additions:
– lots of new ships
– ironworks (wlindley)
– gasworks (jamespetts)
– new 4-wheel carriage graphics (jamespetts)
– numerous bugfixes

Get it here.

Merry Christmas and happy playing!

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Valley of Mexico

Vancouver Feo has made a very cute map of the Valley of Mexico, the historical heart of Mexico and Mexico City. It is only 304×240, so very suitable for low-profile computers or network play. Set water level at -2.

Buen juego!

