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Archive for October, 2010

SMSC October edition winners

The October edition of the Simutrans Monthly Screenshot Contest has finished. Congratulations to all people who took part in it.

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Pak128.Britain 1.08 Released!

SS Great Eastern After a long wait, a new official version of pak128.Britain has been released today! The new version contains mostly bugfixes, but it also incorporates some new objects such as additional citybuildings and ships.

You can download the new version from sourceforge.


pak.german moves to experimental

pak.german logo

The pak.german development team has made an important announcement. The pakset won’t support the standard version of Simutrans anymore, at least by the pakset mantainers, but it will support Simutrans experimental from v1.1.2011. The support of this pakset for Simutrans 102.2.2 is not guaranteed.

On the other hand, if you’re willing to mantain a version for Simutrans standard, please contact with Frank and the rest of pakset mantainers to get the sources.

More details at International Simutrans Forum.

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New russian board at International Simutrans Forum

St_Basils_CathedralWe have great news for russian simutrans players. The simutrans community has decided to open a new language board for russian speakers, since many people has manifested their interest on this issue lately. It will be moderated by inkelyad.

In addition to that, the ISF team has enabled the russian language for the forum interface, so now there’s no excuse. Get an account at the forum, select russian as your native language, and enjoy been part of a growing community of players, artists and developers!

Visit the new Russian language board at the International Simutrans Forum.

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Theme of the blog… is back

We managed to fix a small problem in one of posts that broke the layout of the blog; depending on the browser the blog becomes almost unreadable.

The problem solved: the theme of our blog and the blog itself are back at all steam.

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Theme of the blog… (temporary)

The theme apparently caused some problems, so temporarily it’s back to the default…

October’s Edition of Simutrans Monthly Screenshot Contest

The Autumn begins and we launch a new edition of SMSC with a classic vehicle in Simutrans. The subject of this month is Bus stations and hubs.

Everybody can participate, with only one screenshot of 800 x 600 pixels, in jpg or png formats. You can use any pakset, and the deadline is October 18th. The voting begins on October 19th.

The prize will be a mention of your nickname in the Simutrans Hall of Fame, praises from the whole community and one post including your picture at blog and simutrans.com.


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