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Archive for July, 2011

pak96.comic 0.4.9 has been released

A new version of pak96.comic has been released. It includes new signals, commercial buildings, trees and buses as well as several bugfixes and adjustments.

You can download it from theGerman Forum.
More details at Simutrans International Forum.

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A couple of summer challenges at the Arena

We have a couple of challenges for the Simutrans players this summer:

The first one is Tramadness, where the local governments of the 4 cities in this map, have asked you to take care of the passenger transport, between the four cities and the three attractions. They promised they would build houses, and other buildings near the highest point of the map. So you decided to build a beautiful station there: Cambridge-Ripon TOP station. You finished your work now, but it seems the 4 local governments do not keep their promises, because they did not build anything near that station. Your goal is to get passengers from and to Cambridge-Ripon TOP station. Exactly at the moment the first passenger is waiting there, your job is finished.

You will need 102.2.1 (stable) and pak128 1.4.5 – 102.0. Join to tramadness.

The other challenge is Sylvan Oak, which takes places in 1880, at a largely rural landscape known as Sylvan Oak. In early winter, a wealthy investor from a far away land and his expert engineer come and lay rail tracks after finding oil and building a chemical plant. You realize that your fathers’ land near Hillcross will not be enough to sustain all of your family, so you decide to apply for a job with the new railroad that the investor built. You are ecstatic when you are told that you received the job, and quickly become the engineer of a giant industrial beast, a 0-6-0 switching oil cars into the chemical plant. You look at the map and see a land of opportunities. Your job? Prove him wrong; make the company a name known everywhere for size and service.

You will need the latest stable and pak 64 110.1. Join to Sylvan Oak.

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Follow Simutrans on Twitter

Sojo, from the german crew, has created an unofficial Twitter account where you can read the latest news from the Simutrans world including new addons, maps, challenges, etc…

Join the convoy at simutrans_de

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Simutrans Graphics Contest Winner: mEGa

La Maison Radieuse, SRGC winner by mEGa

The first Simutrans Regular Graphics Contest (SRGC) has been concluded, and i can announce mEGa the first winner.

Read the rest of this entry »

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pak96.comic 0.4.8 has been released

A new version of pak96.comic has been released. It includes new sounds, buses, trucks, stops and several bugfixes and adjustments.

You can download it from the Simutrans German Forum

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Simutrans Experimental 9.12 released

Today James released version 9.12 of Simutrans Experimental. This is predominantly a bug-fix release, which fixes a number of issues identified in the previous version, and incorporates some GUI fixes from Standard, but also adds one new feature: a better handling of gradients.

The development versions of standard Simutrans can be found at the nightly page.

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