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Archive for June, 2012

New Simutrans release!

Simutrans logo


A new stable version of Simutrans, 111.3, has been released today!

This version includes a the new map window, the powerlines underground, and a pakset downloader, if simutrans is started without paksets.

You can find a full changelog and download links for windows, linux, haiku and mac binaries at the International Simutrans Forum.

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Over 200 maps available at Simutrans Maps

PragueAs of today there are more than 200 maps available at the Simutrans Maps website. The latest contributions were made by Carlbaker and ML.

Carlbaker extracted four smaller maps from his huge USA North-East map. They have various sizes and themes and cover New York City and Long Island, the New England coast, Boston to Niagara and Delaware and the Appalachians.

ML made a map of Prague and its surroundings a few years ago and has kindly made it available to the community. It comes in three sizes: 250×197, 500×394 and 1000×788.

And of course a big thank you to everyone who has contributed a map for Simutrans Maps in the past. It was the only way to get to these 200 maps.


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New set of tools for GIMP

We have a new set of tools for image processing in the Simutrans community, that complements the Shades tool.

It’s recomended for those who work with special colors directly within the XCF file (gimp native image format). It offers several functions like selecting, removing, repairing, lightening, darkening and converting special colors. It works with six different groups of special colors, the basic in Simutrans: Non-darkening greys, Windows, Primary player colors, Secondary player colors, Lights and Transparency.

You can download it here. More details at the Simutrans International Forum

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June’s Edition of Simutrans Monthly Screenshot Contest

Another new edition of SMSC is on the way. The subject of this month is Parks and Skycrapers.

Everybody can participate, with only one screenshot of 800 x 600 pixels, in jpg or png formats. You can use any pakset, and the deadline is June 18th. The voting begins on June 19th.

The prize will be a mention of your nickname in the Simutrans Hall of Fame, praises from the whole community and one post including your picture at blog and simutrans.com.


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