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Archive for July, 2013

San Francisco Bay Area

Southern part of the bay area map.

Quite fiting for the sumer (and something to dream of for the southern hemisphere) citibus7 released a map of San Francisco and the Bay area where the cities of the region being placed accurately. pak128.britain has been used as citibus7 considers it more aesthetically pleasing. You can download the map from the international forum

Simutrans Experimental 11.00

A new version of the more complex Simutrans fork is now available, based on Simutrans 112.3

Simutrans experimental is based on Simutrans standard, it extends several aspects of gameplay with the aim of greater economic and operational complexity. With its 112.0 release Simutrans standard incorporated a number of very thorough changes below the surface. Many of these changes involved parts that are different in simutrans experimental. Implementing the upstream changes of simutrans 112 in_experimental_ involved a lot of meticulous work.

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