Posts Tagged rules

One multiplayer game to rule them all

Since Simutrans launched the multiplayer mode, there have been lots of games between different kinds of players, and sometimes we have detected the need of several rules in order to to foster co-operation, civility, efficiency, and aesthetics. Therefore, the community is going to start discussing a set of multiplayer netiquette rules, using a new custom map for pak128.
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One year of Simutrans Forum Rules and Guidelines

Exactly 1 year ago, February 20, 2010, our community adopted new forum rules and guidelines. Almost all well developed communities over the Internet create their own rules. We are not different.

These guidelines are here to facilitate the smooth operation of the forum and to protect the community as well as their activities and works. Make sure you have read them. These are not, for the most part, hard and fast rules; in fact, they can help you to better enjoy your stay here.

If you don’t know our community rules and guidelines, you can read them below:


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The International Simutrans Forum has now new forum rules and guidelines

The International Simutrans Forum has now new forum rules and guidelines and came to replace the old forum rules from 2008 with 3 pages of text (obviously nobody would not want to read that =P) . The new version is very short and covers all needs of the community.

From the Forum rules and guidelines official topic:

These guidelines are here to facilitate the smooth operation of the forum and to protect the community as well as their activities and works. Make sure you have read them. These are not, for the most part, hard and fast rules; in fact, they can help you to better enjoy your stay here.

Now, please our dear members and upcoming ones, read it and behave.  :-)


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