Simutrans available for AmigaOS 4

It’s a non official release but Simutrans, using SDL, seems to compile very easily with the AmigaOS 4 SDK, so thanks to thematic’s effort, now Simutrans 102.2.x is available for AmigaOS 4.

You can dowload the binaries of Simutrans at and there’s also a Simutrans Experimental v7.3 version available for downloading here. More details at Simutrans International Forum.

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New Release of Simutrans-Experimental

 A new version of Simutrans-Experimental is available today: Simutrans 102.3 Experimental 7.3. This version is an interim release pending the next main release, Simutrans-Experimental 8.0, which will fix the automatic convoy replacer feature (right now disabled), enable depots that can only build certain types of vehicles (e.g., steam, diesel, sail, etc.), and improve compatibility with saved games.

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Simutrans got a new graphics engine

That means all the errors with long vehicles shaving station roofs are gone (mostly). Watch the difference for instance with the pak128.Britain demo savegame.

This feature (and accompanying bugs) is integrated in nightlies taken from revision 3151 (or greater):

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Happy pak64 day!

What? didn’t you know it? 6th April is known as the Pak64 DayYay!


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Challenge of the Day: SimuWorld

Fuzzy Peach has created a new challenge for pak128 with SNFOS fences. It takes place in Simuworld.

It’s a score based challenge, and the goal is simple: you have to connect several areas and cities of the map. You can’t build airports and buildings in certain zones of the map, like the Prince Jeremy Islands National Park. It’s a very ecological challenge…

If you are interested, check out the challenge topic in our forum for more details about the goals and scorings.


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April’s Edition of Simutrans Monthly Screenshot Contest

The last edition of SMSC was a succeed so here it is the new April’s edition. This time it’s about underground passengers & mail stations (trains, buses, etc..)

Everybody can participate, with only one screenshot of 800 x 600 pixels, in jpg or png formats. You can use any pakset, and the deadline is April 14th. The voting begins on April 15th.

The prize will be a mention of your nickname in the Simutrans Hall of Fame, praises from the whole community and one post including your picture at blog and


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SMSC March edition winners

The March edition of the Simutrans Monthly Screenshot Contest has finished. Congratulations to all people who took part in it, even if they haven’t won.
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We got network mode at nightlies again…

Since more than a month ago, the nightly compilations were built from the stable branch without network features. As the stable version has been already released, the nightlies are built from trunk again. Therefore Dwachs, one of the main developers, has announced that nightlies from the nightly downloadpage contain the network features again!

If you want to help us improving the network mode by discovering and reporting bugs, please download and test the new nigthlies!

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pak.german 102.2.2 released!

There’s a new version of pak.german for the new simutrans 102.2.2.

This release includes changes in prices and running costs, as well as some new buses and bus stops, besides many other corrections (alignments, old objects removed, etc..)

You can download it here.

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Interview: Prissi, the Simutrans big boss..

microphoneSometime ago we talked with Hajo, the old headmaster of Simutrans and this time we’re going to know the person who is now in charge of Simutrans project, Markus “Prissi” Pristovsek.

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