Posts Tagged nightly

Nightly with overhauled UI

The current nightly shows the things to come for the new simutrans graphical user interface. Apart from the focus, which allows near fully keyboard operation of all dialogues, there is now a stick button in the window title. Sticky windows will not close on backspace: very helpful to get rid of error messages during lengthy management operations. Or to have always a map window open.

And the new GUI allows even for skinable scrollbars. Here is a screenshot of a different theme at work.


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Simutrans got a new graphics engine

That means all the errors with long vehicles shaving station roofs are gone (mostly). Watch the difference for instance with the pak128.Britain demo savegame.

This feature (and accompanying bugs) is integrated in nightlies taken from revision 3151 (or greater):

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We got network mode at nightlies again…

Since more than a month ago, the nightly compilations were built from the stable branch without network features. As the stable version has been already released, the nightlies are built from trunk again. Therefore Dwachs, one of the main developers, has announced that nightlies from the nightly downloadpage contain the network features again!

If you want to help us improving the network mode by discovering and reporting bugs, please download and test the new nigthlies!

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