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Posts Tagged stable

Simutrans 102.2.2 released

simutrans-logoSince the 102.2.1 had some critical errors due to some last minute code changes, we made the 102.2.2 release. There are still few known errors in it. But we decided to focus on the upcoming network release, since bridging between trunk and branch cost us more and more time.

You will also note that there is now a Haiku instead of a BeOS version. This is due to my BeOS is on a dying computer and for any recent system the Haiku-alpha release is a better choice.


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Nightly builds for 102.2.2 Release candidate

… are now available from the page


Most worthwile is the support for Korean language.

Many bugs were fixed, new ones were introduced (hopefully not). The upcoming release of the stable version 102.2.2 is intended to be the last stable version before the network mode is functioning.

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New stable release: Simutrans 102.2.1

simutrans-logoA new stable of  Simutrans is out: Simutrans 102.2.1.

Prissi, Head Developer, wrote:

No new features, but lots of missing bugs. AI are working again. For large maps some significant optimizations are in. Use the GDI version for large maps under MS Windows, which is compiled without additional DEBUG support and with all optimizations. (It is about 2-5 times faster than the MinGW versions.)

For a while,  this version is not available for downloads from our site, but you can download it from our community forum (see link below). Later we will be updating our site.

EDIT: Simutrans.com site has been updated.


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