TileCutter v0.5.8 has been released

A new version v0.5.8 of the Simutrans Building Editor, TileCutter, is now available.

This new version provides a completely new save format with much better forward-compatability. This will make it a lot easier to add new features. It also includes bigger icons for a more attractive interface.

You can download it here. More details at the International Simutrans Forum.

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Supporting the japanese Simutrans community

Well, it isn’t new that some days ago Japan was hit by a 10-meter tsunami and an earthquake (8.9 RC) damaged important facilities of the country, including several nuclear powerplants. Many lives lost and many people lost all.

Tears leave me alone,
Memories abandon me,
The rosebud brings hope.
Raj Halve

Since the Simutrans Community has a Japanese Forum, we want to express our most sincerely support to the Japanese Simutrans community and to Japan too, hoping the country will be rebuilt back as soon as possible.

More information at the International Simutrans Forum.

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Simutrans 110.0.1 released

simutrans-logoSimutrans v110.1 is out. As said Prissi, our head developer, “it’s mostly a bug fix release.This is the first version incorporating multiplayer and tons of bugfixes and improvements. “

This time we have MAC builds.

Notice:  Complete versions (i.e. pak64 + executable) are discontinued. Please use the online installer for download!


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Forum in multi-language interface and French Wiki Manual

Hello world, we have two news.

First one will benefit non-English speaker members, the International Simutrans Forum is back with multi-language interface. You can choose one from a list of 11 available languages for the forum interface: Czech, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Russian, Swedish, Chinese and Japanese. To set your preferred language, go to your Profile > Modify Profile > Account Related Settings > Preferred Language.

Secondly, our Simutrans Wiki Manual has now a French Wiki, which will be replacing the old French wiki from Old Wiki. You can help transferring the documentation from old wiki to the new one.


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New Zealand North Island map released

Today two new maps created by Alan Robinson were added to the Simutrans Maps website. They represent the New Zealand North Island in two formats: 512×832 and 2048×3328. The required water levels are -2 and -8. The huge one is currently the largest Simutrans map available through the website.

New Zealand North Island

As Alan will tell you the maps are based on DTED level 0 data from data.geocomm.com


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Simutrans in Facebook

Facebook self portrait

Facebook by Ruben F. Castro

It’s a well known fact that nowdays Facebook is an important platform to promote something, thus some members of the Simutrans comunitty have decided to get Simutrans into this social network.

Firstly, we have recently created a Facebook Simutrans fan site, that contains several screenshots and the official logo too. Now you can list Simutrans under your games in your facebook profile and colaborate with images, comments or videos in the wall.

On the other hand, some time ago several people already created a Facebook Simutrans fan group. There are no admins in the group and it’s not very crowded indeed but we expect to boost it with the new fan site. Anyway, the group has 168 members, so it’s growing slow but sure.

We hope you to join us in Facebook in order to promote the game and reach to more potential players.

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March’s Edition of Simutrans Monthly Screenshot Contest

Here comes a new edition of SMSC. The subject of this month is Day and Night.

Everybody can participate, with only one screenshot of 1024 x 768 pixels, in jpg or png formats. You can use any pakset, and the deadline is March 17th. The voting begins on March 18th.

The prize will be a mention of your nickname in the Simutrans Hall of Fame, praises from the whole community and one post including your picture at blog and simutrans.com.


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TileCutter v0.5.7 has been released

A new version v0.5.7 of the Simutrans Building Editor, TileCutter, is now available.

This new version provides many tweaks and optimisations, especially for non-Windows platform support and much better handling of configuration/log file storage with platform-specific locations used.

You can download it here. More details at the International Simutrans Forum.

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SMSC February edition winners

The 2011 February edition of the Simutrans Monthly Screenshot Contest has finished. Congratulations to all people who took part in it.

Read the rest of this entry »

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TileCutter v0.5.6 has been released

A new version 0.5.6 of the Simutrans Building Editor, TileCutter, is now available.

This new version provides a command Line interface for scripting, the ability to disable .dat file output and the basic documentation is now available on website, via Online Help.

You can download it here and you have more details at the International Simutrans Forum.

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