One year of Simutrans Forum Rules and Guidelines

Exactly 1 year ago, February 20, 2010, our community adopted new forum rules and guidelines. Almost all well developed communities over the Internet create their own rules. We are not different.

These guidelines are here to facilitate the smooth operation of the forum and to protect the community as well as their activities and works. Make sure you have read them. These are not, for the most part, hard and fast rules; in fact, they can help you to better enjoy your stay here.

If you don’t know our community rules and guidelines, you can read them below:


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The International Simutrans Forum is down

Our forum is down at the moment. It’s going to be solved. Sit tight.

If you want, you can use our Simutrans Chat channel.


The forum is up.

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Simutrans 110 released

simutrans-logoThis is the first version incorporating multiplayer and tons of bugfixes and improvements. Due to network mode, the development team had to have this long break. The next releases will come more frequently.

Some changes and new additions have been included like the default savegame format (now bzip2), skins and interface, timeline for headquarters, new features related with winter graphics and drag-and-drop bridges. The main feature added is the multiplayer mode.


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The profile of a Simutrans player

Long time ago, we launched a survey to define the profile of the Simutrans average player and recently the results have been published at the wiki. Let’s take a look…

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February’s Edition of Simutrans Monthly Screenshot Contest

Here comes a new edition of SMSC. The subject of this month is Disastrous traffic jams.

Everybody can participate, with only one screenshot of 800 x 600 pixels, in jpg or png formats. You can use any pakset, and the deadline is February 16th. The voting begins on February 17th.

The prize will be a mention of your nickname in the Simutrans Hall of Fame, praises from the whole community and one post including your picture at blog and


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International Forum hacked – please stand by

Please stand by as I try to repair.

EDIT: May have us back up and running. Posted in announcements on the board.

SMSC January edition winners

The 2011 January edition of the Simutrans Monthly Screenshot Contest has finished. Congratulations to all people who took part in it.

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Happy pak128 day!

What? didn’t you know it? 28th January is known as the first Pak128 Day of the year… Yay!


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New releases of pak64.japan and Pak128.Britain-Ex

Good news for all pakset lovers, we have new releases of old well known paksets.

The Simutrans experimental development team has released a new version of the pak128.Brittain-Ex. The v0.7 seems to be a testing and evaluation version, but it should balance better with Simutrans-Experimental than the standard Pak128.Britain. The dev team has done a great deal of work on balancing this pakset since version 0.6, so it should work considerably better. As a side note, it doesn’t support all Simutrans-Experimental features yet.

You can download it here. More details at International Simutrans Forum.

pak64.japanOn the other hand, the pak64.japan is back after major overhaul. The content is under a mixture of licenses so it won’t be hosted at Sourceforge, but the binaries and the source are available here. Besides, the texts are available for translation at Simutranslator.

More details at International Simutrans Forum.

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Let’s go multiplayer with Simutrans

As many of you know, the development team is working hard on the multiplayer mode. In fact it’s available in nightlies since several months ago. So, now it’s time to play with other players around the world but what do you exactly need?

There’s an official list of active server with games and paksets avaliable. You just need to check the list and join a game or register a new server in case you want to create a new game. The list is updated quite often.

At the International Simutrans forum, there’s also a game servers board where you can announce your servers, with all details and you can also use the threads as changelogs, in case people has problems joining the game or with the status of the server. You can also use that forum to propose new competitions or hosting games with other paksets.

In case you want to join a game, you can follow this short tutorial. In case you want to set up a server, there’s another helpful tutorial. In brief, you need to download the nightly, register your server at the official servers list and the follow the instructions.

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