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Archive for category Development & Releases

Simutrans 102.2.2 released

simutrans-logoSince the 102.2.1 had some critical errors due to some last minute code changes, we made the 102.2.2 release. There are still few known errors in it. But we decided to focus on the upcoming network release, since bridging between trunk and branch cost us more and more time.

You will also note that there is now a Haiku instead of a BeOS version. This is due to my BeOS is on a dying computer and for any recent system the Haiku-alpha release is a better choice.


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Pak128.Britain 1.07 released!

Great news for pak128.Britain fans! The latest version is out now, and you can get it here.

Main new features in this release:
– AEO’s maglev
– New Citybuildings from Archon and Wlindley
– Snow images for lots more things
– More sailing boats

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Nightly builds for 102.2.2 Release candidate

… are now available from the page


Most worthwile is the support for Korean language.

Many bugs were fixed, new ones were introduced (hopefully not). The upcoming release of the stable version 102.2.2 is intended to be the last stable version before the network mode is functioning.

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Shades, the eraser is back

After half a year since the last release, there’s a new version of Shades, the best tool for removing rebel pixels that exist in Simutrans community.

There aren’t big news in this new version, named as 6.0 alpha 2. The brushes finally work and the next feature that will be implemented is the undo function.

You can download it here.

More details in the official announcement at Simutrans forum.

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Core developer team growths

Since I took over Simutrans development, there were never more than two people coding intensively on it and most coding efforts were just a single post of a patch or some PMs. But since a few months we have a real team. The network code development has been the first collaborative effort for a long time that got the team spirit going.

To make it officially, Knightly has now joined the core team, which includes write access to the SVN.


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Networking simutrans is near

The networking code nearly reaches the first stage, where people can connect a game and play over the network on the same map. This long term effort is now coming close to functionality. You need a recent nightly and can then start a server by putting -server on the commandline. In the client, you need to enter net: as name for the game to load (if you run both on the same computer).

This is still early code, so the nightlies actually may become instable for a little while.


ternational Simutrans Forum

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pak128.german is still alive!

After solving all problems with the copyrights, the pak128.german development team has released a new demo version. It’s playable but It has only a few objects and no timeline support. The goal of this demo is to re-awake the interest on the pakset, attract new contributors and fix bugs.

The pakset needs new artists and contributors, thus If you want to join the project, put in contact with michelstadt or Frank through the Simutrans International Forum or the Simutrans German Forum.

More details about the demo at the deustche language board. You can download the demo version from simutrans-germany.com…link

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Happy Christmas! Pak128.Britain 1.06 Released

As it’s the perfect time for presents, here’s the release of pak128.Britain 1.06

The main features of the new release are the new boats and some more snow graphics, but there are a number of other goodies and minor fixes too.  More details in the forum here.

Please report any feedback, e.g. bugs or balancing issues in the forum.  In the meantime, Merry Christmas, and happy playing :-)


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pak.german new release

pak.german logo

pak.german logo

There’s a new release of pak.german available for downloading. It includes small corrections related with prices and running costs balancing, in addition to several new objects like passenger ships . For more details, please check the changelog.

You can download the new version at Simutrans sourceforge site.

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Nightly Builds

Since 4 days ago, the stable 102.2.1 is out.

So the http://nightly.simutrans-germany.com will be built from the trunk again.

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